Notes From Mark

Notes From Mark

In my quiet time this morning I was reading in Matthew 27. It is the trial of Jesus and the denial of Jesus by Peter. My heart aches when I read this account. I ache for Jesus because of what He suffered and endured because of me and for me. It is one thing to know someone is suffering because of the wrong I did, I can feel regret but to know this same person did it because they love me is an entirely different thing. My regret deepens to shame and then repentance. I try to never take lightly or for granted those words

“Christ died for me.”

I hurt for Jesus at what He went through and I hurt for the sin which caused this pain. Gradually the hurt lessens and I know the release and relief of

“Christ died for me.”

Through the sorrow comes a quiet joy of such great love graced upon me. I am overwhelmed.

And while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

Singing His Praises!