10 Poisons (1)

10 Poisons (1)

I read recently an article by Todd Gaddis for Lifeway that suggested ten poisons that will kill any church. Todd reports that thousands of churches close their doors every year and many others are on life support. He writes that

“we live in a time when churches need revitalization and renewal…the eternal destiny of people depends on the 
faithful witness of local churches.”

Todd was reminded that certain poisons cause death, yet they are avoidable. Churches that die from these ten poisons do so by their own hand.

What are the first five poisons?

  1. Performance without participation…spectator-oriented worship, being entertained without engagement.
  2. Information without inspiration… drowning in information with no response.
  3. Mirrors without windows…looking at ourselves and our needs, looking inward instead of looking outward.
  4. Attachment without commitment…poor attendance, being on the roll without taking a role.
  5. Ritual without spontaneity…church services are boring, irrelevant, and predictable; we’re saying the same things, singing the same songs, and voicing the same prayers.

These poisons are convicting. Let’s work to avoid these poisons!

-Bro. David