God Speaks

I read a joke the other day about a new Christian and it reminded me of our struggle sometimes. The new Christian wasn’t sure how God speaks to us, so he opened his Bible and put his finger on a random verse. It happened to say, “Judas went out and hanged himself.” “Wow!” he thought. “Something’s wrong. I’d better do this again.” So, again he opened his Bible and the first verse his finger happened to fall on said, “Go and do likewise.” So, now he was confused and a little scared. So, he decided to try once more. This time the verse was, “What you do, do quickly.” It makes us laugh, but aren’t we glad that God doesn’t speak to us that way. So, how does God speak to us? Well, I believe, in no certain order, that we have to learn to listen to the Holy Spirit in our spirit. Second, I believe God speaks to us as we study His word in breadth and read devotional materials. Third, God speaks to us through prayer. Fourth, God speaks to us through other people. Fifth, God speaks to us through worship, and sixth, God speaks to us through circumstances and situations. This may not be a comprehensive list, but it is a list. Is God speaking to you? Are you listening? Let’s work on listening to God.
Bro. David