
Over and over again we hear of someone’s failure. It is particularly shocking when we learn of a
church leader’s failure. But, all of us have failed from time to time. Failure is part of life. How we
respond to failure is critical. Are we going to learn from it and move on…or are we going to let it ruin
part or all of our life. On the night before Jesus’ crucifixion, Peter denied Jesus three times. Peter failed
that night. What makes this even worse is that Jesus predicted that Peter would do this, told Peter so,
and Peter still did it. Thankfully, the story doesn’t end with Peter’s failure. Jesus restored Peter. God
is a God of second chances. Peter moved past his failure to do great things for God. Peter strengthened
his commitment. Peter served Jesus up to the point of his death. Peter was successful. Peter moved
on from his failure and didn’t let it ruin him. Sometimes we need to be reminded that Jesus loves us,
“warts and all!” Our failures aren’t final! God wants to restore us and use us for His glory.

Bro. David