I want to personally thank you for your financial giving to God. I know these are tough times financially for many of us. Some of us have lost our jobs and some of us have seen our income drastically reduced. I know these things are contributors to a tough time financially for our church. Other contributors are increased expenses in some areas (insurance, utilities, etc.), the decreased income, members moving out-of-town, and members retiring to less income. June is an expensive month with Falls Creek, Vacation Bible School, and PreTeen Camp. June is now behind us. However, we are now entering the time of more expensive summer utilities. So, thank you! Your financial giving to God is so important and so appreciated. Let’s all be involved in giving financially. Let’s all do our best. I also want to thank you for your sacrificial giving to the “building fund.” Without it, we would be in an even tighter spot. I encourage you to keep on giving financially and sacrificially to our general budget and the building fund. To God be the glory! May God bless you and yours! I am excited to see what God has for us in the days, months, and years to come. Let’s rejoice in our many blessings and be about the work that God is calling us to do for Him. Let’s invite people to church…let’s share the hope that is found in God…let’s see lives changed. Pray today…God, fill your house and use me!
Bro. David