Racial Issues

It seems like we cannot go a day without seeing a newspaper headline, a Facebook post, a tweet on Twitter, or a newscast on TV that doesn’t deal with racial issues. Our country continues to be divided, not only politically, but racially. Juan Sanchez of Lifeway recently wrote “racial divide is a sin problem…I don’t believe reconciliation will occur apart from the gospel.” Epheisans 1 tells us that God’s plan is to exalt Jesus and to unite all things under Him. Juan wrote that as Christians, “we are to show the world what it’s like to live as God’s people under God’s rule. We are God’s ambassadors representing His kingdom to a world fractured by sin. Therefore, we’re to show the world the transforming love of God that unites those who were formerly fractured and at war with one another. That is to say, we are to show the world the unified diversity of the kingdom of heaven.” What a challenge! Let’s be God’s ambassadors!

Bro. David
