
As we approach a new year, we often make resolutions. There are things we want to change in the new year or things we want to do better. One thing I believe that we all can do better at is putting God first in our lives. I recently read an article from a book titled “Gospel Coach.” It talked about idols. Idols are things we put before God or things we choose over God. Idols are what we treasure and value instead of God. The article stated “Our idols take various forms — power and success; approval; comfort and pleasure; control; security.” The power idols include control, position, influence, success, and strength. The approval idols include relationships, achievement, and appearance. The comfort idols include pleasure, health, freedom, excesses, home, vehicles, and recreations. The security idols include family, finances, protection, and future. Once we identify what our idols are, then we can make a change. The article gave a solution…“True change only occurs when we repent of and turn from the deep-seated idols in our lives.” Let’s seek God and put Him first in our lives.


Bro. David