Posts from 2018 (Page 6)

Notes from Mark

So far in VBS we are averaging 150 in attendance with workers and children. The spirit has been tremendous and thank you for your prayers and support. We treasure your prayers as we complete the week. Thursday morning will be our decision service for the 2nd -6th grade. Remember Thursday night is Family Night at 7 PM. This is a great opportunity for our church family to meet the families of the children attending VBS and share with them the…


I am enjoying Vacation Bible School this week. I am thankful for all those who serve to make VBS happen. It is a good work. It is an investment. It is productive. In Matthew 7, Jesus says “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.  So then, you will know them by their fruits.  Not every one who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven; but he who…

Rescue The Perishing

Jesus desires that everyone be saved. It is our job as a believer to share our faith with others. We need to be urgent about it. Years ago, a fire broke out in a hotel in Chicago.  Flames and smoke blocked the normal escape routes.  Some people went onto a balcony to escape the smoke, but they were trapped there.  It looked as if they were doomed.  However, one man found an exit to a fire escape.  Courageously, he made…
Matthew 14: 28-33 [28] And Peter answered him, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” [29] He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus. [30] But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.” [31] Jesus immediately reached out his hand and took hold of him, saying to him, “O you of…

Notes from Mark

This time next week VBS will be in full swing. Thank you for your prayers and your continued support of this week. Our prayer is that we will share God’s light and love to each person involved whether is is the student, worker, staff, parent – whoever we meet- may they see the glory of God reflected in each one of us! Pre-Teen Camp is the following week. We are taking now registrations, if you know of a child 3rd…


The idea of opposites is a universal concept. We learn early that if something is not up, then it’s down; if it’s not big, then it’s little; if it’s not good, then it’s bad!  These opposites are considered mutually exclusive. It is either one or the other. But the world doesn’t always fall into two opposites. We have a whole lot of middle ground in between two things. Few things are purely right or wrong. Some things can be in…

Endless Summer (Explained)

You have seen the promotional info (Hopefully) around the church and on social media for the Youth Ministry’s “Endless Summer”. So what do we mean by this? We had planned for this summer to not only be one that students go through but one that would be an ongoing mission of their lives. We have adopted 3 verses to help us with this. Sand – Psalm 139:17–18 “How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the…

Notes From Mark

I trust you are gearing up for Vacation Bible School this summer. It really is just around the corner. Our Pool Party Kick-off is June 10 at Means Park and the City Pool. We will eat at the park and then swim for a great night of fellowship and fun. VBS is Monday – Thursday this year 9 Am- Noon, June 11-14. This year’s theme is Game On: Gearing Up For Life’s Big Game. This is a wonderful opportunity to…


We hear a lot about tolerance these days. The world wants Christians to be tolerant of their sin and sinful lifestyles, yet they are completely intolerant to God, to God’s Word, and to us. Tolerance is defined as “the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with.” I have found that the tolerance that Jesus had was “hate the sin, but love the sinner.” I believe that…
This week has begun the summer breakdown. Much of my summer planning has been sporadic up and secondary until now. This is the week where focus turned to study, writing, planning and of course prayer. A week from Friday I will head to the first of many events this summer focused on growing students’ relationships with Christ and calling them to action because of those relationships. Super Summer, Vacation Bible School, Preteen Camp, God Students: Madrid and Falls Creek. Will…