Posts by courtnut02 (Page 13)

Not everyone in our office drinks coffee and with one of those individuals gone this week making a whole pot of coffee just seems like a waste, so this morning I changed things up a little bit and got my coffee from our Keurig at our church coffee bar. The hope was that I could get my own cup fast and get upstairs to write this article. I waited for the spinning wheel to stop and tell me the water…

One Little Nail

There’s a story about a congregation that built a new church building. People admired its beauty! Up on the roof, a little nail heard the people praising everything about the lovely structure. But the nail felt no one appreciated him. “If I am that unappreciated, nobody will miss me if I quit!” So the nail released its hold, slid down the roof, and fell in the mud. That night it rained and rained. Soon the shingle that had no nail…
“Genuine discipleship is less classroom and more living room; it is less teacher/student and more parent/child.” @micahfries Then… When I was younger I remember my dad always dragging me around to do work projects. My dad was always volunteering all over the place from church to a friend of a friend, to my cousin’s sister’s friend, it didn’t matter. Once I was old enough to be a help to him he would take me with him. I hated it. It…

Notes From Mark

Now is a great time to sing with our Worship Choir! Join us as we lift our voices in song. Experience the unique fellowship within this group and know that we sing for no higher purpose than praising God. See you this Wednesday at 7 PM Singing His Praises! Mark


Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:19-20, “(God) has committed to us the message of reconciliation. We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.” What a thought! We actually represent God here on this earth. Ambassadors are representatives…they are delegates…they are substitutes for the one the represent. Ambassadors can speak for those they represent. As we live our lives, we act on God’s behalf in this world. An old poem says it well… Christ has…

God Speaks

I read a joke the other day about a new Christian and it reminded me of our struggle sometimes. The new Christian wasn’t sure how God speaks to us, so he opened his Bible and put his finger on a random verse. It happened to say, “Judas went out and hanged himself.” “Wow!” he thought. “Something’s wrong. I’d better do this again.” So, again he opened his Bible and the first verse his finger happened to fall on said, “Go…

Notes From Mark

Continuing with our look at worship remember we worship with extravagant love and extreme submission, worship is dependent on our heart. The love we have for God is impaired if it is without action. Action is weakened if it is without obedience and none is possible unless God has hold of our hearts and we believe completely. With this in mind worship occurs in the home, on our drive to work or at school. There is worship when we are…

Equip Not Entertain

This past Sunday and Monday we took a busload of students to Falls Creek for the Youth Evangelism Conference. Now if you grew up in youth ministry around Oklahoma in the past 25 years you would remember YEC being in August and was billed as more of a Back To School Party. The “Former” YEC was fun and energetic with bands, big name speakers and would usually conclude with an afternoon at Frontier City and a concert. A few years…

Notes From Mark

As a believer and follower of Christ I find that I spend a great deal of time thinking about worship. You might think that is because my title is Associate Pastor of Worship and you would be partially right. I believe that each and every Christian should spend a lot of time thinking about worship. In our present world I am afraid we have diluted the word worship to mean something it is not. Worship has nothing to do with…


We all invest in something. We invest in our family. We invest in our work. We invest in ourselves. We all invest in something. What do you invest in? God wants us to invest in His Kingdom. God wants us to invest in others. He wants us to invest in heavenly things…things that moth or rust cannot destroy…things that a thief cannot not steal. I have learned how temporary earthly things are in the scheme of things. One time, I…