Posts by courtnut02 (Page 14)
Committee/Team Kickoff
Please make plans to attend this Sunday night’s Committee/Team Kickoff. We will begin at 5 p.m. with fellowship, soft drinks, and pizza. At 5:20 p.m., we will have some announcements, then at 5:30 will have our first set of meetings. Our next set of meetings will be at 5:50 p.m. After the Kickoff, please stay for a few minutes and help take down our Christmas decorations. When there are many hands, it doesn’t take long. Our Teams and Committees are…
YEC Fearless
Falls Creek in January, like Christmas in July. Our youth Students will be heading to Falls Creek next month to have a day of Evangelism training on how they can share their faith will their friends, family and even on upcoming mission opportunities. We will leave after Sunday morning worship on January 14th and return on Monday, January 15th. The cost is $35.00, which covers registration, lodging and food throughout the weekend. Students can bring extra money for snacks and…