Posts by courtnut02 (Page 18)
I want to thank the church family for the “money tree” in honor of my 10th Anniversary as your Pastor. I was surprised and blessed by your efforts. I truly enjoyed the Fish-Fry Fellowship this last Sunday night. Thanks for all who cooked…set up…tore down…and came for the fellowship. Our fellowship is sweet and encouraging. I am excited about our September. Lets make every effort to attend church and invite others to come, especially for our Connect Sunday on September…
Notes From Mark
EBC has been given a very generous gift. Our church now owns a complete 5-octave set of Schulmerich Handbells complete with tables, music library and mallets. Foam pads will be ordered and coming soon. If you would like to help with this please see Bro. Mark. Thank you to those who have given to make this a possibility. It is a used set and requires some maintenance, so stay tuned for more information regarding a handbell choir at our church…
Thank You
I would like to thank my church family for recognizing my 10-year anniversary as your pastor. The video and plaque were amazing. Thank you for all the love and support you have given me over the years. It has been a great 10 years and I look forward to see what God has for us in the years ahead. May God bless us as we seek Him and His will for our lives and for our church. You are a…
EBC Scripture Verse and Slogan
Recently, I have shared with the church that the Deacons and Ministers have been meeting, as a committee, to understand the culture around us and seek God’s leadership for vision and our mission. Three Sundays ago, at our quarterly business meeting, I shared with the church the committee’s recommendations. Discussion was held and suggestions made. These recommendations will need to prayed over and discussed. I plan to hold a “family meeting” on September 10th for our church to further discuss…