Missing the Point

Missing the Point

Orville and Wilbur Wright made history by keeping their flying invention in the air for a total of fifty-nine seconds.
After the flight, they rushed to the telegraph office and wired their sister in Dayton, Ohio. They messaged her…
“First sustained flight today for fifty-nine seconds, hope to be home by Christmas.”

Their sister was thrilled and hurried to the local newspaper with the great news and the telegram. The next day an
article about the Wrights appeared in the newspaper. The headline read… LOCAL BICYCLE MERCHANTS TO
BE HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS. The editor had totally missed the most important point! The Wrights had flown
for 59 seconds! It was one of the most important moments in aviation history and the editor focused on something
else. He overlooked the main message. In the Great Commission, Jesus told us to go and make disciples and baptize them. Sometimes, we get caught up in so many other things in church life that we miss the main point.
We are to go and make disciples, baptize them, and teach them. We are about to turn in our annual report, and
praise God, we baptized 25 people last year! Let’s not miss the point! Let’s make contact with our “adopted
families,” and others, and invite them to church and church activities. Let’s invite them to Sunday School. Let’s invite them to Sunday morning worship. Let’s invite them to our mid-week service. Let’s invite them to our
Fall Festival. Let’s make disciples for Jesus Christ.

– Bro. David