Sharing The Gospel

Sharing The Gospel

Last week, Emmanuel held revival services. Andy Harrison did a great job of discipleship with his messages from Titus. On the last night, he challenged us to share the Gospel and then he shared the Gospel with those in attendance. Decisions were made that night for Jesus Christ. In Gregory Koukl’s book, Tactics: A Game Plan For Discussing Your Christian Convictions, he suggests eight ideas to remove obstacles that get in the way of us sharing the Gospel.

Greg suggests we:

  1. be ready to share
  2. keep it simple
  3. avoid religious language or churchy words
  4. focus on the truth
  5. give reasons for God’s plan
  6. stay calm
  7. if they want to exit, let them go
  8. follow up.

How awesome would it be if each of us shared the Gospel with others when opportunities arose!

-Bro. David
