Notes from Mark

Notes from Mark

Patience. It is a thing we desire more of and we seem to want it right now! Think about God and His patience with us. He is more patient with each one of us than we are with ourselves. It is not uncommon for us to fret about our situation in life or even think if we fall God doesn’t love us or we question our own salvation. Or what about those thoughts and desires that seemingly stay with us? If they are the old thoughts are we truly a new creation? Doubt steps in and begins to erode a blossoming and growing faith. So with each one of us when these moments come, stop and think. Remember God’s words and His truth. Don’t be anxious, instead be patient with yourself. Remember the words of Paul in Philippians 1:6

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

God began the good work, it is not finished and neither are we. Rejoice in God and His provisions for us. There may be bumps and pits in which we fall, but our Lord is there with us every step of the way. Trust His goodness, accept His grace and grow in His love.

Singing His Praises!