Notes From Mark

Notes From Mark

You have probably heard the expression that mankind has a God-sized hole in our hearts and this is only something that God can fill. In the song ‘Til They Rest In You” it picks up on this thought when it reads

We yearn, we thirst,
We stumble in the dark,
Discontent, for You’ve set eternity
Within each heart.

This is not some idea that someone thought of to make a clever phrase. This is a truth found in God’s Word. God created us to be with Him and when we choose to go our own way and do our own thing then, we find life unfulfilling and unsatisfying. As we live for God there are times when we do not or will not follow Him, God allows desperate days to overtake us and when we reach out to Him, He lovingly restores a the relationship which was broken. In these days of uncertainty, divisiveness, quarrles and fears each one of us longs for peace. Peace of heart, peace of mind- just peace. As followers of Christ we understand that our hearts will not have peace until they rest in God and God alone. May each of us rest in God and feel His sustaining and life-giving peace every moment of every day.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

Singing His Praises!