Posts from 2018 (Page 7)

Notes from Mark

We find strength in that which is simple. It is not in the most complex and difficult that we find peace or rest. So many of us try to stay busy in order to accomplish or achieve a feeling of satisfaction. But we come away feeling weary. So we think we aren’t doing enough, not busy enough and we try harder. We chase after our possessions. We immerse ourselves in our passion and we build our pride. We try, really…


In everything we do, we ought to seek competence…to do things right and for the glory of God. The definition of competence is “the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.” God is not mediocre and neither should we be mediocre. We should not want to just get by…to do the minimum…to be so so. We should put forth the effort to do things right, and to do them right the first time. Let’s not waste our efforts…let’s not waste…
Today is day 16 of my Soulcon Challenge. I have found that my 2 biggest struggles in this endeavor are eating regularly though the day. It is not at all uncommon for me to skip breakfast and lunch and then my dinner is usually late right before bed followed by a snack before bed. The second struggle has been drinking enough water, once again I have seen myself go through a whole day and drink 1 cup of coffee in…

Notes From Mark

How do you see God? What is your mind’s picture? Is it a God who is ready to condemn you? A God just waiting for you to mess up? Or is it a God waiting patiently for you? One that is ready to uphold you win or lose. God is not angry at you or me. That is simply not true. In scripture over and again He tells us of His love for us, His fondness for us.Our God is…


The Bible says the just will walk in their integrity. Integrity is defined as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.” God calls us to integrity. We are to be true and honest. We are to promote harmony and peace. We are to love one another, even when it is difficult to do so. Each of us, are at a different points in our walk with God. At some points, we need to be carried…at…

Notes From Mark

I would like to thank those men and women who helped with our Wednesday’s After School this past year. I am so grateful for your help and support of the Children’s Ministry at EBC. Change is coming to our programming I encourage you to look for the news during these next few months and if there is a place where you can plug in and help please do so. In our world today we are encouraged to be tolerant of…


Over and over again we hear of someone’s failure. It is particularly shocking when we learn of a church leader’s failure. But, all of us have failed from time to time. Failure is part of life. How we respond to failure is critical. Are we going to learn from it and move on…or are we going to let it ruin part or all of our life. On the night before Jesus’ crucifixion, Peter denied Jesus three times. Peter failed that…

Notes From Mark

In our last business meeting the Children’s Ministry team shared with our church about some needs and upcoming projects in our Children’s Area. We are sharing them here in the newsletter to help promote and get the word out about ways in which everyone can help. First we are painting the entire Children’s area stairwell to stairwell during the month of July. There will be dates and times posted where you will be able to help paint each room, hallways…

Soulcon Challenge

I was going to write this week on Change and the fact that my kids are taking all of mine out of my Jeep but as I look at my water bottle on my desk I thought I would ask for accountability on a new Spiritual Challenge I am going to be doing for the next 6 weeks. I have been praying and thinking about doing the Soulcon Challenge ( since the first of the year but my schedule would…

Week 3 – I Wish My Parents Knew…

“I’m afraid of my parents dying” “I’m not perfect” “They compare me to my sibling too much” “My friends are as bad as they think they are” “I sneak out of the house a lot” “I don’t dress to be provocative” “I wish we spent more time together as a family” “Jesus” “I want my family to attend Church together” “I want them to be in heaven with me” “How much I love them”