Month of Rest

When God created everything…He worked six days and rested one. When God instructed the
Israelites…He told them to work the land six years and rest it one year. God created the Sabbath as a
day of worship and rest. God wants us to rest. The Lord’s Day, Sunday, is our day to worship and rest
in the Lord. This July, we will observe a “Month Of Rest.” We are a busy people and we are a busy
church. So, take this next month and rest from the busyness of church. But, keep worship a priority
and join us each Sunday morning for fellowship, small-group Bible study, and worship. Consider
extending this rest to other parts of your busy life. Slow down a little this July…get some
rest…and get ready for a great Fall. We need to desperately reach our community for Christ…we
need to be on mission in Weatherford…let’s get ready to be on task to fill God’s house.

Bro. David