True Church Discipleship (3)

True Church Discipleship (3)

The last two weeks, I have shared from an article by Dr. Thom S. Rainer, President and CEO of Lifeway Christian Resources. In his article titled “Seven Indicators Of True Church Discipleship,” his fourth indicator of discipleship was “members are generous with their giving.” I am thankful that Emmanuel is a giving church. You have given sacrificially over the years and Emmanuel is blessed because of that giving. We know that we cannot out give God. We may have our ups and downs, but God remains faithful. Let’s be faithful in our giving. His fifth indicator was “members are expected to attend a corporate worship service each week.” Dr. Rainer believes “true disciples of Jesus are going to be connected to the body of Christ. They aren’t going to be Lone Ranger Christians.” Let’s be committed to our worship on the Lord’s Day! Often, we are hit and miss in our attendance in the summer, so… back to school means back to church! Emmanuel wants to see people grow into fully committed followers of Jesus. Let’s be faithful in our giving and in our attendance.
-Bro. David

God Knows