Message (Page 7)


I recently performed Alex and Megan Ander’s wedding. I always read 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 at weddings. Those verses remind me about what love is and isn’t. I am reminded that love doesn’t store up offenses.  Love doesn’t keep track of wrongs.  Love doesn’t hold on to resentment. One time, a man was hurrying through a revolving door and bumped into another man.  He immediately said, “If this is my fault, I’m sorry.  If it’s yours, it’s okay.  I haven’t time…


What do you do when you reach the end of your rope?  What do you do when life gets rough?  What do you do when there’s no light at the end of the tunnel?  What do you do when you hit rock bottom? We’ve all been there and we’ll all be there again. Adversity is inevitable.  Someone once said, “Adversity doesn’t make a person weak or strong.  It merely reveals what he already is.”  I have found it’s not what…

I Wish My Parents Knew…

I Wish My Parents Knew… Week 1 I’m afraid of letting them down I try my best to make them proud I feel like they are too hard on me I feel like nothing I do is ever good enough for them I don’t like playing sports, I just play bc they want me to I have a problem with lust I’m addicted to pornography I steal (From them and from others) I get bullied at school & on social…

Notes from Mark

What a feast! Thank you to our Kitchen Committee and Children’s Team for your hard work in setting up for our meal yesterday and preparing for our Dessert Auction. Thank you to each one that brought such delicious food. To our dessert makers, you out did yourselves. It is a blessing to see the love you have for our children at EBC. Yes, even in making your dessert, supplying food for the meal and working behind the scenes you demonstrate…

Pastor Search Committee

Please begin praying for our Pastor Search Committee.  Last Sunday, our church family elected Richard Metscher (Chair), Derrick Barker, Kenny Watson, Larry Wright, and Chuck Marquis as our Pastor Search Committee.  Let’s pray for God to bind Satan from these men as they set out to prayerfully find God’s man to serve as our next Pastor.  Let’s pray for our next pastor and the process of finding and calling him. Excited about our future, Bro. David
I love Gatorade, I really do. I’m not really su re if it’s because I grew up drinking it from a glass bottle with the really cool looking lighting bolt etched on the side or that it was created at the best University in the nation, Florida University (Go Gators!!). It could also be that it is really hard for me to drink just plain water, now it’s not because I just want sugar in my drink, I usually just…

Notes from Mark

It was good to be in the house of the LORD this past Sunday! Celebrating with joy our Risen Savior and seeing the gifts of God being brought into our service was truly a time of worship and God blessed us in a powerful way. Thank you Worship Choir for leading out in this service as well as our Children’s Handbell Choir, (I am so proud of you!). Thank you to Petals for their beautiful flowers, Hannah, Lennie, & Chelsea…


In today’s world, there seems to be a lot of hate. You can see it in the faces of those on both sides of an issue. Proverbs 10:12 says “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins.” Letting love replace hatred is hard to do. But love allows us to rise above our hatred. We need to try to understand others. We may not agree with them, but we can seek to see their point of view. And, as…

Power of a Photograph

This week we were working on an Easter Edition for the bulletin, not one that we would do every week but a special Edition,. As we worked on the layout we found that we wanted some pictures inside of the Edition. I know that we have some that have been used before but as I began to look for new photos I found myself being drawn to photos that shared the story of our mission as a church to Preach…

Notes from Mark

As believers we remember the events of Holy Week, Jesus’ last week on earth. I personally read through each day’s events and try to imagine what Jesus must have been thinking. This year it struck me that as His focus must have been on the cross and the price He would pay, it was constantly being pulled away. There was so much to do and say and so little time left. The money changers in the temple – cleaned out.…