Message (Page 8)

When you stay in ministry, you must figure out how to deal with disagreements. You have to figure out if being right is worth the cost and fallout of the opposition being wrong or not winning. Learning to walk away from disagreements or Agreeing to Disagreeing with the other side. Learning to apologies when you are in the wrong. Learning to stand your ground and not be moved on Biblical Truth but also to extend grace to those who have…

Notes from Mark

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. We remember Jesus’ dramatic entry into Jerusalem. His ministry had reached a fever pitch. In His teachings Jesus had confounded the leaders and angered them greatly. Jesus had taught a new way, a loving and kind way of dealing and living with others. Jesus had taught that there is only one way to God (Heaven). Yes he had taken those things that people had held on to the tightest and turned everything upside down. Now…

Election of Search Committee

If you have not done so already, then please begin praying about who you would like to nominate for the Pastor Search Committee. We will be accepting ballots on Sunday morning, April 8th. As we have done in the past, you will have the opportunity to nominate five people for the committee. The top-five recipients of votes will be contacted and asked to serve on the committee. If someone declines, then we will go to the next highest recipient. The…

I Wish My Parent’s Knew…

A few years ago, a Youth Pastor friend of mine preached a Wednesday Night Message Series entitled “I Wish my Parents knew…”. I was intrigued by not only the topic but also his response to the series. I asked him for as much info on the series as he would share with me. Over the course of the next few weeks we are surveying not only our youth ministry but also teens from around Weatherford to complete the following statement,…

Notes from Mark

Patience. It is a thing we desire more of and we seem to want it right now! Think about God and His patience with us. He is more patient with each one of us than we are with ourselves. It is not uncommon for us to fret about our situation in life or even think if we fall God doesn’t love us or we question our own salvation. Or what about those thoughts and desires that seemingly stay with us?…


We all deal with fear from time to time. Faith is said to be the opposite of fear. Isaiah 12:2 says “God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.” Letting faith replace our fear is easier said than done. But that is exactly what God wants us to do when we face fear. Faith allows us to see beyond our fear. In the 1980 Olympics, the hockey finals match was between a small, young, amateur U.S. team…

Notes From Mark

It is good to be at Emmanuel! Once again we are seeing the first signs of spring. There is change in the air. It is a time of renewal both in the earth and in our hearts. Easter is April 1st. I hope you are making plans to worship with us on that day. This year we will strip the altar and platform bare and fill it with symbols that remind us of the gifts God has given us. Starting…

Notes From Mark

Church family thank you so much for the many prayers, cards and kind words you have expressed to Beth and I these past few weeks. We are so grateful to each one. It is so good to see the church being the church of love and support and sharing the love and grace of Christ. Thank you. In sharing about my dad I remember that at one point in our journey he and I had the same favorite scripture passage.…
Back in November when we were in Latvia we saw this sticker around the church and in people’s cars and homes. We got curious and asked about it. We were told that while the church was teaching through leadership roles through scripture it was stated that simple to sum them up was “Don’t be a jerk” this led to one of the church members making stickers for everyone to remind them to Not be a jerk. Many of the people…

Notes From Mark

Who do you compare yourself to? Have you thought something like this “If I am as good as my neighbor then that’s pretty good!? Or maybe I just need to try harder to see God and His benefits. Or maybe even “My actions aren’t really all that bad.” So often we compare ourselves to one another because it makes us feel better. The Bible tells us that only the holy will see God. In order to be holy we must…