Power of a Photograph

Power of a Photograph

This week we were working on an Easter Edition for the bulletin, not one that we would do every week but a special Edition,. As we worked on the layout we found that we wanted some pictures inside of the Edition. I know that we have some that have been used before but as I began to look for new photos I found myself being drawn to photos that shared the story of our mission as a church to Preach the Word, Teach the Body and Reach the World for Christ. The view of our steeple as a beacon of hope and grace to our Jerusalem, a worn bible that had special meaning to many church members (I loved hearing the story from Maxine about Brother Ozzy reading 2 Chronicles 7:14), a picture looking out our Atrium windows onto our mission field or a picture of our Pastor preaching the Word of God. This Easter, what pictures stand out to you? Nails, The Cross and even the Empty Grave, I invite us all to not just remember but to share the stories with someone.


Notes from Mark