
Notes from Mark

It was a good week at camp. All told we took 79 campers – 68 children and 11 adults. There were some interesting moments as well as funny ones and others that will stay with us forever. New friends were made and old friendships were strengthened. We worshiped together and shared God’s Word with one another. We had many children come forward at the invitation with questions of all kinds. Some renewed their faith, others needed someone to pray with…

Committee/Team Kickoff

Please make plans to attend this Sunday night’s Committee/Team Kickoff. We will begin at 5 p.m. with fellowship, soft drinks, and pizza. At 5:20 p.m., we will have some announcements, then at 5:30 will have our first set of meetings. Our next set of meetings will be at 5:50 p.m. After the Kickoff, please stay for a few minutes and help take down our Christmas decorations. When there are many hands, it doesn’t take long. Our Teams and Committees are…

The End of the Season is only the Beginning

Every sport has different season, there is off-season, preseason, regular season and then postseason. Ministry has those same things they just get jumbled together at different times. The off-season overlaps with regular season of ministry of a different kind. Next week we begin to kickoff this Summer Season with our Youth Ministry headed to Super Summer @OBU in Shawnee, OK. The week after we will call our youth into service as they help lead in Vacation Bible School. Our Youth…

Seven Things

Recently, I read an article by Thom Rainer of Lifeway titled “Seven Things Church Members Should Say to Guests.” These seven things help break down barriers. They help with our friendliness to church guests. The seven things to say are: “Thank you for being here;” “Let me help you with that;” “Please take my seat;” “Here is my email address. Please let me know if I can help in any way;” “Can I show you where you need to go?”…


It has been good to study the words of Paul to Titus this week in our revival. Titus was a true friend of Paul, one that Paul had the joy of leading to Christ and then watch him grow in his faith to the point of being a trusted friend and communicator of the Gospel to all people. The words with which Paul instructed Titus ring true today. In chapter 2 v. 11-12 Paul writes “For the grace of God…

Wednesday Nights

Our church is blessed on Wednesday nights! Our after-school program attracts over 80 children and over 40 middle-school students. The children arrive to a snack and help with their homework. Thanks to the ladies who perform this ministry. Then, the children rotate through crafts, music, and recreation. Thanks to everyone who performs these ministries. Next, the children eat a free meal that is served to them by helpers. Thanks to those who serve and prepare those meals. Finally, the children…

Upcoming Christmas Programs

The period of time after Thanksgiving ushers in the Christmas season. We have decorated our church and are working on the Christmas musicals and services that will proclaim the news of Christ’s birth. This is an exciting and joyous time, yes it is filled with stress and worry over wanting everything to go just right but it is the occasion and purpose that we do these things that causes us to be this way. Celebrating the birth of our Savior…

10 Poisons (2)

Last week, I share from an article by Todd Gaddis for Lifeway that suggested ten poisons that will kill any church. Todd reports that thousands of churches close their doors every year and many others are on life support. He writes that “we live in a time when churches need revitalization and renewal…the eternal destiny of people depends on the 
faithful witness of local churches.” Todd was reminded that certain poisons cause death, yet they are avoidable. Churches that die…

Fall Festival

Monday was a great night at our annual Fall Festival. Thank you to each one who gave of their time and resources to make this event happen. There is no way one person could do this. I am humbled by the selfless givers that I am blessed to work with. Here are the bare numbers, Nearly 1000 in attendance with over 170 EBC members here, ¾ of those as workers. Over 450 of those that came said they attended another…

True Church Discipleship

Last week, I shared an article by Dr. Thom S. Rainer, President and CEO of Lifeway Christian Resources. In his article titled “Seven Indicators Of True Church Discipleship, ” his second indicator of discipleship was “members are engaged in some type of Bible study group. Our small groups or Sunday School is so important. Assimilation into the church is five times greater for those attending Sunday School as those who only attend worship services. Are you attending Sunday School? If…